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Your mediator will explain our simple process and answer all your questions.
Divorce Mediation
We guide you every step of the way.
Four steps to a healthy divorce
Your mediator will explain our simple process and answer all your questions.
You, not the judge, remain in control of your terms. Your mediator will identify the issues, explain Arizona law, and help you reach your best possible agreement.
We draft your agreements for your review and approval. If you want legal advice, we have options. Your divorce is final after your decree is filed with the court.
An Arizona Certified Legal Document Preparer will file your petition and consent decree; no one is ever “served,” and you avoid the stress of a court battle.
Your business remains yours alone. Arizona law protects divorce mediation confidentiality. Your divorce process will never become part of the public record.
When you enter divorce mediation at the Aurit Center, you avoid stressful court hearings and trials.
Our cases take just 2 to 4 months, compared to more than a year in court, and cost 80% to 90% less than litigation. Payment plans are available.
In mediation, spouses work with their neutral, expert mediator who raises every issue of divorce, including division of assets and debts, spousal maintenance, and all child-related issues, such as parenting time, legal decision-making, and child support.
For each issue, your mediator will explain the law and address what is important to each of you, helping you reach your best possible agreement. You can agree to follow the standards according to the law, or create unique agreements that better meet your needs and make sense for your family.
You can agree to follow the standards according to the law, or create unique agreements that better meet your needs and make sense for your family. Customized divorce agreements produce better outcomes than a judge making decisions for you.
Once you reach your agreement, we draft your final divorce or legal separation decree. Each spouse reviews the draft and, if they choose, can seek additional independent legal advice. We then file your documents with the court. And you never need to step foot in a courtroom.
Our flat fees are all-inclusive and transparent, and we offer 0% interest payment plans. Clients typically pay $2,500 to $3,500 per spouse. In contrast to litigation with attorneys, which can easily cost over $40,000 per spouse.
Saves you money and time
Keeps your information confidential
Supports your children’s emotional health
Lets you control your own terms
Results in better co-parenting
Provides peace of mind
Select a mediator who has:
Our neutral mediators help you personalize
your fairest and best possible agreement.
We work to reduce stress for everyone involved,
and believe in protecting children from the harm of litigation.