Our lives have been upended due to coronavirus. In mediation, we understand that life moves forward, even when faced with a crisis, and that there remains a need for supportive divorce mediation services in Arizona.
To maintain excellent services, divorce mediators must embrace creative solutions and meet the needs of parents and spouses who need help navigating the divorce process. Divorce mediation is not stopping or even slowing down in Arizona, in fact, our services have expanded statewide.
The Aurit Center for Divorce Mediation located in Scottsdale, Arizona has responded to the needs of our clients and our community by:
- Helping spouses through their entire divorce or legal separation — beginning to end — from the comfort of their own home.
- Moving our mediation services to a simple, online, Zoom video-conferencing platform.
- Continuing to provide the highest level of divorce mediation services in spite of the pandemic.
- Helping parents who are already separated or divorced reach updated agreements on parenting time, child support and other stressful problems brought on by home-schooling, changing work schedules, or economic difficulties.
- Helping people agree upon and file spousal maintenance modifications.
The stress of divorcing, in addition to social distancing and “stay at home” guidelines can be overwhelming. Mediation can assist you through this regardless of the circumstances. Our professional mediators can help you start the divorce process from the beginning or help you pick up where you left off in litigation.Rest assured that whenever you choose to begin the mediation process, you are choosing the healthier option.
It is simple and easy to move through our online mediation process as follows:
- Schedule a free online complimentary consultation. Simply click a link to meet your potential mediator, learn about the process, and get your questions answered. Most people feel a sense of relief, after learning about a healthy alternative to fighting in court.
- We file for you and take care of all of the legal paperwork. We draft and file your Divorce Petition in a way that prevents conflict. No one gets “served” in mediation. We track all applicable timelines and guide you every step of the way.
- We help you reach agreements on every issue. Your mediator raises every divorce issue and explains Arizona law. We help you create your own personalized divorce agreements. All property and support issues are resolved. If you have children, we cover parenting time, legal decision-making, and child support.
- Finalize your Consent Decree. We draft your final Divorce Decree and you each review it, get advice, make any desired revisions, and when you are ready, you each sign your Decree. We file it for you, and soon afterward, your divorce is final.
The courts today are experiencing major delays and are mainly ineffective at resolving disagreements that need immediate resolution. “Taking your spouse to court” could result in many months passing before any decision is reached, that is, if the court will hear the issue at all. In the meantime, conflict will likely intensify, which can cause emotional and financial harm to families. Additionally, this conflict can pose serious health risks when parents remain gridlocked on how to handle parenting issues during these times.
In contrast, spouses and parents can contact a mediator now, schedule an online mediation meeting via Zoom within days, and resolve even the most difficult, heated disagreements in a matter of hours. These agreements can be drafted, signed, and submitted to the court quickly, giving spouses, parents, and children the stability they need, when they need it most.
Coronavirus magnifies the advantages of mediation over litigation. While many things in our lives feel out of our control, mediation allows spouses to stay in control of their own divorce terms, rather than a Judge deciding their future. Spouses can work together, with the guidance of a professional mediator, to reach their best possible agreements. Experienced divorce mediators are skilled at helping spouses produce win-win agreements.
The coronavirus also presents new financial stressors for many spouses. Mediation continues to be a far less expensive option to litigation in court, which costs 80%-90% more than mediation and can drag out for many months or even years.
Now, more than ever, spouses considering divorce should choose a process that reduces stress, rather than increases it; that supports healthy communication, rather than causes divorce wars; and that truly works to protect the best interests of children. At a time when health is the top priority, mediation is the healthiest choice.