What is Collaborative Divorce & How it Works

A husband, wife, and child looking at the sunset.

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Divorce doesn’t have to be a battlefield. On the contrary, it can be a path to healing and growth.

When you think of the word “divorce,” you may picture high conflict disputes in bitter litigation, and emotional despair.

But what if you didn’t have to fight?

Imagine a divorce in which both parties listen to each other, fairness comes first, and decisions are made with mutual respect.

Collaborative divorce redefines the traditional, often combative way of dissolving a marriage. It provides a framework that considers the legal, financial, and emotional aspects of separation.

By replacing hostility with a practical, effective way to reach agreements, collaborative divorce empowers spouses to create healthier post-divorce lives for themselves and their children.

This article will explore the transformative power of collaborative divorce and help you determine if it is the right option for you.

What is collaborative divorce?

Collaborative divorce is an alternative dispute resolution method based on collaborative law. It’s a process in which spouses and their respective lawyers agree to settle all marital issues and negotiate mutually acceptable agreements out of court.

Collaborative divorce prioritizes open communication, mutual respect, and problem-solving. It aims to prevent the harmful court battles that are often associated with traditional divorce.

During the collaborative process, you, your spouse, and your respective lawyers will attend a series of meetings to find common ground. You negotiate amicable agreements on a wide range of issues, including the following:

  • Division of assets and debts
  • Child custody and support
  • Parenting plans
  • Spousal maintenance
  • Other concerns specific to your situation

In this respect, collaborative divorce is similar to divorce mediation. However, instead of a neutral mediator, your lawyers oversee the divorce process.

One key aspect of collaborative divorce is that it motivates everyone involved to cooperate and reach a win-win outcome, even when the conversation gets tough.

Notably, if the collaborative process breaks down and the spouses proceed to court, their lawyers must withdraw from the case. This means the spouses must hire new lawyers, which significantly increases divorce costs.

The collaborative approach helps couples navigate separation in a way that minimizes conflict and preserves their future relationship.

How does the collaborative divorce process work?

You’ve decided to dissolve your marriage through the collaborative divorce method. Now it’s time to understand how the process works step-by-step.

8 people sitting around a table in a collaborative divorce meeting

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Step 1: Hire collaborative lawyers

Before starting the collaborative divorce process, hiring lawyers who are trained and experienced in collaborative law is crucial.

Consider engaging lawyers with a successful track record of guiding spouses through the collaborative process and helping them reach fair agreements on all legal issues.

Look for testimonials or ask for referrals from trusted sources to find lawyers who can effectively advocate for your interests while fostering a cooperative atmosphere.

Step 2: Hold an initial consultation

Schedule a private meeting to express your concerns, goals, and desired outcomes for the divorce.

During this discussion, your lawyer will explain the collaborative process, highlighting the importance of open communication and mutual respect throughout it.

Step 3: Assemble a collaborative team

In addition to collaborative lawyers, spouses may engage experts like divorce coaches, financial advisors, and mental health professionals, depending on the specifics of the case.

For instance, if you and your spouse have concerns about child custody arrangements, you may hire a child specialist to help assess your children’s needs and preferences. This would help develop a suitable parenting plan that prioritizes the children’s well-being.

Together, your collaborative team creates a supportive environment for productive interactions to occur.

Step 4: Sign a participation agreement

During the first collaborative session, you, your spouse, and your respective lawyers will sign a “participation agreement.”

This agreement establishes the foundation for respectful negotiations. It emphasizes a shared commitment to reaching mutually beneficial solutions without resorting to litigation.

It also prohibits your lawyers from continuing to work on the case if the collaborative process fails.

Step 5: Gather the relevant information

Full financial disclosure is paramount for decision-making in the collaborative divorce process. Accordingly, spouses will provide detailed information about their assets, debts, income, and expenses.

This transparency ensures that both parties understand their financial picture and can work toward fair and equitable settlements.

Employing the expertise of a financial specialist can further assist in organizing and analyzing financial data, leading to more productive discussions and better-informed choices.

Step 6: Negotiate and problem-solve

The collaborative team fosters a climate of productive negotiations.

Through open dialogue, active listening, brainstorming, and compromise, you and your spouse explore various settlement options that meet your needs and interests.

Step 7: Reach a settlement

Once you’ve reached agreements on all aspects of the divorce, your lawyers will draft a comprehensive settlement agreement.

This agreement covers all key elements of the divorce, including property division, investments, child custody, visitation schedules, financial support, and other relevant factors specific to your situation.

Ensure you sign the settlement only if you agree with every single divorce term included.

Step 8: Obtain court approval

The final step is to submit the settlement agreement to the court for approval.

Once the settlement is deemed fair and in the best interests of all parties, the judge will sign it, and the divorce will be officially finalized.

Collaborative divorce vs mediation

When navigating the complexities of divorce, two popular out-of-court approaches are often compared: collaborative law vs mediation.

A man and woman taking off their rings on a gray couch

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These approaches have common goals, including the following:

  • Encouraging open communication
  • Creating a supportive and informal atmosphere
  • Bringing marriage disputes to a peaceful conclusion

However, they differ in the number of professionals involved, the process dynamics, and their potential costs. Let’s take a closer look.

Finding the right fit

In collaborative divorce, the involvement of lawyers and other professionals is more pronounced. This means the process may be slightly adversarial, but less so than litigation.

With that in mind, collaborative divorce is ideal for spouses seeking a higher level of guidance and advocacy throughout the divorce process.

Divorce mediation, on the other hand, typically involves fewer professionals. It features one mediator who guides the conversation between the spouses. The mediator acts as a neutral third party, ensuring fairness and facilitating constructive discussions.

Mediation empowers spouses to take charge of their divorce terms. It’s the best option for those who value their autonomy and wish to maintain more control over the divorce outcome.

Ultimately, choosing between collaborative divorce and mediation depends on your unique circumstances and preferences.

Financial considerations

Collaborative divorce is much less expensive than traditional court litigation. However, because lawyers and other professionals are involved, it is still more expensive and time-consuming than mediation.

On average, divorce mediation in the US costs between $2,000 and $4,000 per individual, while a collaborative divorce costs between $15,000 and $50,000.

Consulting with experienced professionals in collaborative law and mediation can help you navigate your options and make an informed decision that leads to a peaceful resolution.

Benefits of collaborative divorce

Collaborative divorce is considered a healthier process compared to traditional litigation — and for good reason.

Below are some of the significant benefits of using the collaborative divorce method.

Supports cooperation and open communication

Instead of pitting spouses against each other, collaborative divorce encourages them to work together on decisions about their future. It allows them to openly express their needs and concerns in a welcoming and respectful environment.

This reduces conflict and paves the way for constructive problem-solving — ultimately leading to a mutually satisfying resolution.

Provides significant time and cost savings

One of the most appealing features of collaborative divorce is the significant time and cost savings it offers.

In extreme cases, the cost of traditional divorce in the US can get as high as $100,000. As such, the need for cost-efficient processes, like collaborative divorce and mediation, is all too glaring.

Moreover, spouses can resolve all divorce-related issues relatively quickly, due to the streamlined nature of collaborative divorce. Over 90% of collaborative divorce cases are settled in less than a year.

Avoiding court delays and scheduling conflicts helps prevent drawn-out legal battles that result in substantial fees.

Offers privacy and confidentiality

Unlike court proceedings, which are typically open to the public, the collaborative process allows you to keep personal matters private.

Financial details, personal issues, and other sensitive information can be discussed behind closed doors, ensuring complete confidentiality.

This, in turn, encourages honest discussions and fosters an atmosphere of trust between the spouses and their respective divorce attorneys.

Prioritizes children’s well-being

When children are involved in a divorce, their well-being is a primary concern for the courts. Collaborative divorce recognizes this and helps develop outcomes based on the children’s best interests.

In practice, the collaborative process covers child custody arrangements, parenting plans, visitation schedules, and how to co-parent effectively after the divorce.

This allows spouses to maintain a stable and nurturing environment for their children, minimizing the impact of the divorce on their lives.

Reduces hostility and the chances of post-divorce litigation

One of the most notable advantages of collaborative divorce is its ability to reduce hostility and the likelihood of post-divorce litigation. In fact, over 95% of collaborative divorce cases are settled without trial or court intervention.

When spouses can resolve their issues through collaboration, the chances of future legal battles developing diminish significantly.

Collaborative divorce aims to find solutions that satisfy both parties, allowing them to move forward peacefully with their lives.

When should you avoid using the collaborative divorce method?

Despite its proven advantages, collaborative divorce isn’t the best fit for all circumstances.

A couple meeting with a judge to sign a divorce decree

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There are certain situations in which other divorce methods, such as divorce mediation or litigation, may be more appropriate. Let’s briefly explore some of them.

History of recent or severe domestic violence or abuse

Collaborative divorce relies on open communication and cooperation between spouses. So if there is a history of recent or severe domestic violence or abuse, the collaborative divorce approach may not be the way to go.

Prioritizing your safety and well-being is most important. Consider consulting with a legal advisor about getting a protective order or pursuing a litigated divorce in such cases.

Lack of commitment to a fair resolution

For a collaborative divorce to succeed, both parties must be committed to reaching a fair settlement.

This means a collaborative divorce may not be the most effective approach if one spouse is unwilling to engage in good-faith negotiations or compromise.

In this situation, it may be necessary to consider other methods, like litigation, to ensure an equitable resolution.

Hidden assets or dishonesty regarding financial matters

Full financial transparency is crucial in the collaborative divorce process. Suspicions of hidden assets or dishonesty regarding financial matters can undermine the trust necessary for effective collaboration.

In such cases, it may be necessary to involve forensic accountants or pursue legal remedies to ensure an accurate assessment of assets and a fair division.

Remember, the decision to pursue collaborative divorce or explore other options should be based on the specific circumstances of your case.

Despite these limitations, collaborative divorce remains a valuable option for spouses who can communicate and work together effectively.

Embrace a peaceful resolution through collaborative divorce

Collaborative divorce is an out-of-court solution that provides a balanced approach to ending marriages.

A couple's hands clasped over a divorce document

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It fosters open discussions, mutual respect, and practical solutions.

Like mediation, collaborative divorce removes the toxicity typically associated with traditional divorce. This encourages the spouses to create a fair, sustainable divorce settlement that considers the well-being of all involved.

Practically speaking, collaborative divorce has proven highly successful in resolving disputes peacefully. In fact, studies show that 86% of collaborative divorce cases resulted in a complete resolution of all issues, while an additional 2% decided to stay in their relationship.

Collaborative divorce uses a solution-oriented, non-confrontational atmosphere to empower spouses to foster win-win outcomes and maintain a positive post-divorce relationship.

For more insights on obtaining a divorce in a healthy way, schedule a free consultation with the Aurit Center for Divorce Mediation today.

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