The Complete Minnesota Divorce Mediation Checklist: Your Guide to a Smooth Separation

Are you considering divorce in Minnesota? Divorce mediation helps you navigate the process with ease and offers a path to an amicable resolution. At The Aurit Center for Divorce Mediation, we’ve helped thousands of families through the transition of separation or divorce. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the Minnesota divorce mediation process, ensuring you’re well-prepared for each step.

Divorce mediation in Minnesota

Divorce mediation in Minnesota is a collaborative process where a neutral third party helps spouses negotiate the terms of their separation. Unlike litigation, mediation allows you to maintain control over decisions affecting your family’s future. It’s faster, less expensive, and less stressful than fighting your divorce out in court.

Understanding Minnesota Divorce Laws

Before diving into mediation, it’s crucial to understand the basics of Minnesota divorce laws:

  • Residency: At least one spouse must have lived in Minnesota for 180 days before filing.
  • Grounds: Minnesota is a “no-fault” divorce state, meaning there is no need to prove wrongdoing by either spouse.
  • Timeline: In litigation, the process typically takes  6  12 months to 2 years, depending on the complexity of your case and court availability. Mediation, on the other hand, can be completed in as little as a few weeks to a few months.
  • Legal Waiting Period: There is no legal waiting period in Minnesota. 

A divorce mediator at a table

Choosing the Right Mediator in Minnesota

Selecting a skilled mediator is key to a successful process. Look for:

  • Experience as a Professional Mediator in Minnesota
  • Experience with Minnesota family law
  • A communication style that makes you comfortable
  • Offers services online

Don’t hesitate to interview potential mediators. Ask about their approach, success rates, and familiarity with cases similar to yours.

Preparing for Mediation

A little thoughtful preparation can make mediation much smoother. To prepare you can gather the information you will need.  

  • Recent pay stubs and tax returns
  • Bank and investment account statements
  • Pension and retirement account information
  • Assets and debt information

Create a post-divorce budget to understand your financial needs clearly.

Addressing Child Custody and Support

In Minnesota, child custody decisions focus on the best interests of the child. Consider:

  • Legal custody (decision-making rights)
  • Physical custody (where the child lives)
  • Parenting time schedules
    child custody

Child support is calculated based on both parents’ incomes and the amount of parenting time each has. To estimate child support, you can refer to the Minnesota Child Support Guidelines Calculator.

Developing a Property Division Plan

Minnesota follows an “equitable distribution” model, meaning property should be divided fairly, not necessarily equally. In mediation, you remain in complete control of agreements and can choose to divide assets however makes sense to you and your spouse. You’ll need to:

Person with a calculator and a pen writing on paper

  • Identify marital and non-marital property
  • Value your assets accurately
  • Consider tax implications of property division
  • Income-verifying information:

    • Pay stubs
    • W-2 or 1099 employment
    • Federal tax returns from the past few years
  • Bank statements, including all account numbers and balances:

    • Checking accounts
    • Savings accounts
    • Digital banking accounts
    • Any other financial accounts
  • Investment accounts and retirement benefits:

    • 401(k) retirement plans (or 403(b)) and other retirement fund account statements
    • IRA statements
    • Social Security estimate statements if you are retired or approaching retirement
    • Pension plans
    • Employment benefits
    • Bond investment statements
  • Real property (real estate):

    • Home valuation estimates (you and your spouse can choose to use an agreed-upon estimate or to get a professional estimate)
    • Mortgage statements that verify mortgage balances
    • List of properties (including investment properties and vacation homes)
  • Debt-related information:

    • Credit card statements with account numbers and balances
    • Loan statements (equity loans, private loans, motor vehicle loans, student loans, etc.)
    • Current statements for any lines of credit held
    • Other outstanding bills and debts (medical bills, credit card debt, outstanding loans)
  • Insurance policies:

    • Health insurance premium costs, especially when children are involved
    • Life insurance policies that show the beneficiary amount and the cash value, if any
    • Disability policies
  • Business-related information (if applicable):

    • Financial statements (current balance sheet, income statements)
    • Corporate tax returns
    • Business interest valuations, if any, since this will usually not be performed before mediation and instead is typically addressed once mediation begins
  • Other relevant information:

    • Credit reports
    • List of assets, including valuable personal property and other marital property
    • Social Security information
    • Prenuptial or postnuptial agreements (if applicable)
    • Marriage certificate
    • Divorce settlement agreement if you and your spouse have already noted areas of agreement

Remember, organizing all your financial information takes some time, so be patient with yourself. Breaking the process up into stages and addressing them one at a time makes the task more manageable. If you have any difficulties or questions about specific documents, your mediator is there to guide you.

Exploring Spousal Support Options

Spousal support (alimony) in Minnesota isn’t automatic. Factors considered include:

  • Length of the marriage
  • Each spouse’s earning capacity
  • Standard of living during the marriage

Support can be temporary or permanent, depending on your situation.

Spouses negotiating during divorce mediation

The Mediation Process

Typical mediation sessions involve:

  • Guided conversation to help you feel comfortable 
  • Assurance that each person has a voice and is heard 
  • Guidelines that support a respectful process
  • Topics to be addressed are  identified and prioritized
  • Creative problem-solving 
  • Agreement drafting

Remember, effective communication is crucial. Stay focused on solutions rather than past grievances.

Finalizing your Agreement

Once you’ve reached an agreement, your mediator will draft a Memorandum of Understanding. This document should cover all aspects of your divorce, including:

  • Property division
  • Debt distribution
  • Child custody and support
  • Spousal support (if applicable)

You both have the option of reviewing your Memorandum of Understanding with an attorney before signing.

Steps to take after divorce mediation

1. Implement the settlement agreement

After completing your divorce, you’ll need to put the agreements and decisions you made during mediation into action. This means working with your spouse to stick to the terms outlined in your parenting plan, co-parenting schedule, and any other agreed-upon arrangements.

Spouses sign their final divorce decree

Adapting to post-divorce life takes time for everyone, especially when there are children involved. Successful co-parenting requires keeping communication lines open, being flexible, and maintaining a focus on what is best for your kids.

Post-divorce arrangements–such as changing titles to residences or vehicles, or transferring retirement accounts–occur after the divorce finalization. Title changes can be handled on your own, or you can contact an attorney to assist you. You can then provide a copy of the Decree to your financial institutions to carry out the terms of your Decree.

When challenges arise, approach them with patience, empathy, and an open mind.

2. Consider post-divorce self-care

Finalizing your post-divorce arrangements and practicing self-care helps you heal emotionally and move forward.

Here are five tips for much-needed self-care after divorce:

  1. Engage in healthy communication: Consider taking an approach that minimizes conflict and maintains a positive relationship, especially if children are involved. Making a conscious choice to infuse positivity into all of your communication can help you maintain an optimistic outlook and envision a brighter future. Simply put, take a moment to edit before sending written communications.
  2. Take some time for yourself: Allow yourself to grieve the loss of your marriage and process your emotions.
  3. Seek emotional support: Stay in touch with friends and family or reach out to a therapist to communicate openly and honestly about how you are feeling.
  4. Practice self-care: You heard it before, but eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly can help protect you emotionally and physically from the stressors of divorce. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Divorce mediation can be an opportunity for positive change and growth.

Treat yourself with patience and compassion, and don’t hesitate to get help if needed. You have the strength to create a fulfilling life for yourself after divorce.

Your divorce mediation checklist

Here is a checklist to help you jumpstart your mediation process:

Pre-mediation tasks

Choose an experienced mediator

  • Research reviews or personal testimonials
  • Ensure that the mediator’s practice is primarily in divorce mediation
  • Get referrals from friends or a therapist
  • Ask about the mediator’s billing structure and fees (flat fees are preferable)
  • Consider a free consultation with an Aurit Center Certified Mediator


  • Consider what is most important to you
  • Consider what you think is most important to your spouse
  • Consider creative agreements that get both of you as much of what you want as possible
  • Maintain an open mind

Identify the most important issues, which might include your desire to

  • Establish a co-parenting plan that will be best for your kids
  • Make child custody arrangements and address any unique concerns
  • Divide assets in a mutually satisfactory way
  • Discuss how spousal support will be determined

Organize financial information

  • Collect all necessary financial information, either online or in paper form
    • Income-verifying information
    • Bank statements
    • Investment accounts
    • Retirement funds
    • Real estate
    • Debt-related information
    • Insurance policies
    • Business-related information

During the divorce mediation sessions, your mediator will work with you to

Establish goals and ground rules

  • Set clear objectives for each session
  • Set and observe the ground rules during each session

Practice respectful communication

  • Carefully consider your choice of words and use a calm tone of voice to help the process go smoothly
  • Be aware of your emotions, and ask for breaks as needed
  • Maintain a respectful dialogue

Document the divorce terms

  • Draft clear and comprehensive agreements
  • Involve legal professionals (if necessary)

Post-mediation considerations

Revisions – Review and finalize the settlement agreement 

  • Seek legal advice to ensure fairness (if necessary)
  • Thoroughly review the agreement to check for typos and ensure the language reflects your intent

Court filing – Implement the settlement agreement

  • Ensure your mediator submits the agreement to the court for approval and incorporation, or has a process for a third party to submit for you
  • Carry out the terms of your Decree within the agreed-upon time frames

Healing and moving forward

  • Practice self-care
  • Consider professional support from a trusted therapist or counselor
  • Return to mediation for any modifications or issues that need to be resolved in the future

Navigate mediation effectively with The Aurit Center

Mediation provides a caring and affordable approach to amicable separation. This makes it the preferred option for a healthy divorce.

Child being picked up by parent

Our experienced mediators will walk with you every step of the way.

The Aurit Center for Divorce Mediation is committed to helping you navigate divorce in a way that saves you time, money, and unnecessary heartache.

We’re here to help you take charge of your future, protect your children’s well-being, and avoid the emotional and financial toll of a courtroom battle.

Get started today by scheduling a free consultation with The Aurit Center.

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